Cirrus Primary Academy Trust

Safeguarding in our School

Rushy Meadow Primary Academy takes notice of and adheres to all the national and local policies and guidance in regard to safeguarding children and young people.

What is meant by Safeguarding and Child Protection?

As a school we have a statutory duty to protect all children and keep them safe.

Safeguarding is the action that everyone takes all of the time to keep all children safe. For example:

  • Protect children from any type of harm
  • Ensure children are safe and well cared for
  • Take action so that all children are able to grow up in a safe environment
  • Teach children how to keep themselves safe

Child Protection is the process of protecting children and young people who have been identified as suffering, or are likely to suffer harm as a result of abuse.

There are four types of abuse:

  • Physical
  • Sexual
  • Emotional
  • Neglect

How we fulfil our duty at  Rushy Meadow Primary Academy

We have a Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy. This can be viewed on the school’s website or a copy can be provided to you on request.

We train all staff regularly to ensure that they know the processes to follow when they have a concern and are aware of the signs of abuse.

All adults in school have a duty to report any concern about a child to a member of the Designated Safeguarding Team.

We have a legal obligation to talk to other agencies such as Children’s Services and the Police if we think any child may have suffered abuse or may be at risk of harm. When appropriate, we will share relevant information with Sutton Children’s Services. Once we speak to these other agencies, we are guided by their recommendations.


What happens when we have a concern?

When we have a concern about the safety or wellbeing of any child we will discuss this with the child’s parents or carers unless we think that doing so would put that child at risk.  We will also usually consult with Sutton Children’s Services, specifically MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub).

A social worker may then consult with other agencies before deciding what action to take. They will speak to parents or carers about the concern and keep them informed about what is happening.  They may decide to visit the home, are likely to speak to the children, and the next steps depend on their findings.

If an allegation is made about an adult who works in school, the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO), Children’s Social Services and the Police will be informed. Parents and/or carers of any child involved will be kept informed of the processes and outcomes as appropriate.


What can you do to help your child keep safe?

  • Talk to your child about their day and how they are feeling
  • For older children- make sure you know who your child’s friends are and where your child is going if they are out alone
  • Take care to monitor any internet access that your child has. The ‘ThinkuKnow’ website is useful to help parents keep up with the latest information and help with parental controls. We can also offer you advice. Come along when we hold Internet safety talks for parents. For older children consider only allowing them a mobile phone with no internet access. Allowing a child to have inappropriate access to the internet is a safeguarding matter
  • Make sure your child does not have access to social media sites- be strong when they tell you everyone else has them! Most social media sites require children to be aged at least 13 to have an account so no child at Rushy should have access to these
  • Reinforce road safety- remind your child how to keep safe around roads whenever you are out and about
  • Reinforce stranger danger without scaring them – most people are ok but children need to be reminded  to think about this and be aware
  • Work with us. We want to build good relationships with parents and carers as this helps children to feel safe and secure. We are here to help and we want the best for your child and your family