Cirrus Primary Academy Trust

PTA and Volunteers

Volunteer helpers in school

Volunteers at our school bring with them a range of skills and experience that can enhance the learning opportunities, achievement and enjoyment of children at our school. We welcome and encourage volunteers from the all sections of the local community.

Volunteers could include: 

  • Parents and other relatives of pupils
  • Members of the Governing Body
  • Ex-members of staff
  • Local residents

Volunteering opportunities

The types of activities that Volunteers can support and assist with include:

  • Hearing children read
  • Working with small groups of children
  • Working alongside individual children
  • Undertaking art and craft activities with children
  • Accompanying on school visits

Benefits of volunteering

For the children: increases in understanding, achievement, self-confidence and self esteem

For teaching staff: greater opportunity to work with other children, so enabling the class as a whole to learn more effectively and achieve more.

For the volunteer: a great sense of achievement and personal satisfaction, new knowledge and new skills, improved career prospects.

What volunteers  can help achieve at Rushy Meadow

Our school and our pupils will be lucky enough to benefit, on a daily basis, from the fantastic efforts of many brilliant volunteers, who will help the achievement of a wide range of important activities and benefits, including:

  • Supporting children by listening to them read
  • Helping teachers with providing support for different activities
  • Assistance with other school events and trips

Support For Volunteers

We greatly value and appreciate the time and effort that volunteers can generously give, whether it is on a regular or more ad hoc basis. In order to try to make our volunteers feel welcomed, valued and well informed about our school – including its activities, values and objectives – we aim to provide active and positive support to our volunteers in several ways, including:

  • A structured induction process
  • Training when needed
  • Support from teachers

Becoming a volunteer

All applicants must complete the Volunteer Information Sheet  available below and send it to the school either by post or email. All applications the school receives are kept on file and will be considered as and when a need arises.

Before starting to help in school, volunteers will also be asked to sign the Volunteer Code of Conduct Agreement which sets out the school’s expectations of volunteers but, just as importantly, explains what volunteers can expect from our school. Prospective volunteers will also be required to complete a routine Criminal Record Bureau disclosure application (“DBS check”), before starting to help in school.

Volunteer Application and Code of Conduct