Cirrus Primary Academy Trust

Extra Curricular Activities

We currently offer a range of lunchtime and after school clubs, encompassing sport, music, the arts, nature and games. Many of these are run by members of staff, who volunteer their time to provide activities that reflect their wide range of talents as well as the children’s interests. For example, pupils at Rushy Meadow have enjoyed clubs including dance, drama, colouring, gardening, board games, recorder and sign language. The Key Stage One and Two choirs have run throughout the year and have had some exciting performance opportunities!

In addition to this, we host a selection of fee-paying clubs run by outside agencies. These include Multiskills, Football, Lego and Minecraft. 

Clubs are coordinated by Mrs Jennings, who will always be happy to hear any ideas you have about clubs that you or your child would like to see at Rushy Meadow.

Autumn term 2024

Clubs Letter Autumn term 2024

Lego Letter - Thursday

Minecraft Letter - Wednesday

CASC Football and Multi-Sports Letter - Thursday

Debate and Thunks

At Rushy Meadow, we encourage our children to develop debate skills. Opportunities for debate are built into our curriculum, whether taking place in an English lesson or considering whether evacuation was the right decision in World War II. 

To promote weekly debate, we have a weekly Thunk that is shared in assembly. A Thunk is an open question that does not have a correct or incorrect answer. Thunks are designed to stimulate creative thought, encourage children to share ideas and promote out of the box thinking.

Below are some examples of Thunks we have thunked at Rushy Meadow. If you debate any of these at home, our Headteacher, Mr Needham, would love to hear your thoughts on the school gate:

Should schools produce good learners or good students? Is there a difference? 

Would you rather fly to space or visit every country in the World? 

If you could live in any book setting, where would it be? 

If you could swap places with anyone from the past for a day, who would you pick? 

Would you be a different person if one of your parents had a different job? 

If my flight has a stopover on my way to my destination, but I don’t leave the airport, have I visited that country? 

Should there be fewer rules outside rather than more? 

If you could be any animal, what would you choose and why?   

What’s more important: yesterday, today or tomorrow? 

Are your neighbours still your neighbours when they're on holiday? 

If the hands fall off my clock, is it still a clock? 

If you could fly for one day, what would you do? Where would you go? 

Is saying a rude word out loud worse than writing it in a text?   

If you could go forwards or backwards to any point in your life, when would you choose? 

If you had a magic watch that could pause time, what would you use it for?  

Would you rather live without TV or books? 

Should we take it in turns to run the country? 

If you could change one thing about your home, what would it be? 

Should the voting age stay at 18, or should it be lowered? 

Would you rather be too hot or too cold? 

If you had a magic watch that could pause time, what would you use if for?

If you could go forwards or backwards to any point in your life, when would you choose?

Would you rather have breakfast for every meal or dinner for every meal?

Would you rather have 10 brothers and sisters or no siblings at all?

If you could swap places with anyone else for a day, who would you pick?

Should schools produce good learners or good students? Is there a difference?

Would you rather fly to space or visit every country in the World?

Is a submarine more like a plane or a boat?

Is a zebra black with white stripes or white with black stripes?

Is it better to be right or nice?