Cirrus Primary Academy Trust
Rushy meadow primary academy rm1 26

Home School Agreement

The objective of this agreement is that all members of the Cirrus family and the individual school community – teaching and non-teaching staff, children, family and governors – will strive to ensure that every child fulfils their potential.  

CIRRUS PRIMARY ACADEMY TRUST - We are committed to ensuring that each and every pupil who attends a Cirrus school has the following opportunities during their time at the individual academy: 

  • Learn a musical instrument 

  • Use a range of IT technology and equipment 

  • Take part in a wide range of trips and visits 

  • Engage in performance, presentation and debate 

  • Enjoy the arts and value cultural experiences 

  • Take part in sports competitions 

  • Experience enrichment activities 

  • Contribute to the community – citizenship (global, national, and local); participate in social action campaigns 

  • Have their talents celebrated and recognised 

  • Learn outside to experience the ‘great outdoors’ 

  • Represent school at an event – school, Trust and beyond 

THE SCHOOL - We will do our best to: 

  • Provide a broad, deep and knowledge rich curriculum, where children become literate and numerate and develop a range of skill and qualities, securing the foundations for progression to the next stage of their education.  

  • Encourage the home-school partnership by welcoming parental involvement in school activities, including home learning.  

  • Encourage positive and respectful relationships with and between all members of the community. 

  • Support children in pastoral matters, including their emotional and social development, and be actively prepared to listen to children. 

  • Keep parents informed of pupils’ progress through regular meetings and informal contact, particularly when there are concerns. 

  • Set a good personal example. 

PARENTS - I/we will do our best to: 

  • Ensure my/our child attends school on time, with an overall good attendance, and arriving each day ready to learn.  

  • Support the school in maintaining pupils’ good behaviour and appearance in accordance with school values and uniform policy.  

  • Let the school know of any concerns at home which might affect my/our child’s work or wellbeing. 

  • Keep the school up to date with home and emergency telephone numbers and provide an explanation in the event of all absences and lateness. 

  • Support the school by regularly reading with my/our child/ren and supporting opportunities for home learning. 

  • Treat all staff, children and other parents with respect. Under the Education Act, the school has the authority to ban persons from site to protect students, staff and others. 

  • Ensure children do not use the school’s play equipment outside of school hours. (The school holds no responsibility for children playing on its equipment outside of school hours).  

  • If I drive to and from school, I will park considerately. 

THE PUPIL - I will do my best to: 

  • Get to school at the right time with everything I need so that I am ready to learn
  • Wear the correct uniform and bring what I need each day. Behave well, keep to the school rules and adhere to the school’s values. 

  • Show pride in my work and try my best with my learning.  

  • Tell a teacher or another adult in the school if something is worrying me. 

  • Keep the school clean and tidy both inside and out. 

  • Not play on the school’s equipment outside of school hours. This is unsafe as I won’t be supervised.