Cirrus Primary Academy Trust


Intent: At Rushy Meadow Primary we are developing young historians!  Our aim is that, through the teaching of history, we stimulate all children’s interest and understanding about the past events and people.

We aim to provide reliable resources and artifacts so that our children can create and accurate mental picture of life in the past. When analysing historical events children will begin to develop an understanding of identity and a cultural difference based on their historical heritage. This enables our children to learn to value their own and other people’s cultures in modern multicultural Britain. We aim to promote an inclusive curriculum focusing on significant individuals of various ethnic backgrounds and genders and how these individuals have impacted the life we live today. At Rushy we have a coherently planned curriculum, sequenced carefully in a chronological manner with the children’s interests and needs at heart.  


  • Teachers introduced the history theme at the beginning of the learning and children are asked what their understanding of the new theme is and what they would like to find out about the theme. Classroom are decorated with this theme in mind. Posters, photographs, artefacts and books are displayed around the classroom which creates curiosity about the new theme.  
  • In order to be a young historian, you need to analyse past events and evaluate how these events have impacted the life we live today. We encourage our learners to be inquisitive by providing relatable themes which they can unpack and question. They can use what they know and debate similarities and differences and the reliability of sources. The theme planner has a clear progression of skills which meets all the national curriculum standards.
  • We strive for our history lesson to have a range of teaching materials to support learning such as newspaper reports, videos and images. Children use this to be fully immersed in the theme and create a mental map of life in the past. At Rushy we use road maps to learning and a progression of skills document to help teachers plan lessons which meet the needs of their class. Using these skills children are empowers to carry out history enquiries. Throughout the lesson children are encouraged to use key vocabulary which is displayed on the working walls. We always pose a history challenge which help learners to dive deeper in their learning. Children use critical thinking and reasoning skills to answer the challenge questions. At the end of our history lessons, teacher review the learning against the success criteria. We discuss the task as a class and children make the necessary improvements to their learning.
  • We strive towards empowering learners with the skills to carry out independent lines of enquiry.
  • At the end of the theme planner, teachers and children reflect on what they have learnt in the history theme. Teachers also analyse how effective learning is through student voice. Teachers assess gaps in learning that will need to be revisited in future theme planners.  Subject leaders conduct learning walks to ensure that teaching meet the needs of all individuals in the class. Book looks ensure that the correct coverage of history is in place and learning is meeting the standards of the national curriculum. Slide scans ensure that the lesson provides enough challenge and contain reliable historic sources.
  • As part of the history curriculum, we create relevant opportunities for vistors, trips and workshops which enhance the teaching and learning. This can expose them to opportunities for future learning and possible future career choices in the historical field.


Pupils at Rushy are curious to know more about the past, which is evident through work presented, displays seen around the whole school, excitement in the lessons and questions they ask to find out more. Teachers use a start of theme and end of theme assessment to review learning showing how much knowledge children have gained from the theme. The children are also able to see this and helps with their self-esteem. Rushy Meadow is a no mark school, which means children mark their work independently, evaluating their own work. Feedback and assistance are provided within the lesson and this help with understanding. They know how people’s lives have shaped this nation and how Britain has influenced and been influenced by the wider world. They understand historical concepts such as cause and consequence, similarity, difference, and significance, and use them to make connections, frame historically valid questions and create their own structured accounts, including written narratives and analyses.

We follow the Primary National Curriculum (2014) programmes of study for History (see below).

Click on the documents below to see the learning journey our pupils take in their history curriculum.


HISTORY progression road maps

History Roadmap Chronological awareness

History Roadmap Historical context and enquiry

History Roadmap Organise evaluate and communicate information

History Roadmap Range and depth of knowledge