Cirrus Primary Academy Trust


Intent: At Rushy Meadow in Physical Education, we aim for all children to become independent, resilient individuals who are equipped to make positive choices about their physical health and mental wellbeing.

We want all children, regardless of background, to engage in new experiences and sports that motivate and excite them to be physically active and develop healthy learning behaviours for life. Our Real PE approach is a ‘child-centred approach’ which engages, challenges and fosters the confidence of every child as an individual, irrespective of starting points and aims to develop the whole child. We want to promote positive attitudes to allow children to develop their physical, emotional, social, creative and cognitive skills and to apply these to other areas of their lives. We strive to provide a safe environment for children to develop personally and to encourage one another to achieve in an enjoyable way, also helping to promote teamwork, fairness and respect towards one another. At Rushy Meadow, we want to teach children to play fairly, engage in honest competition and display good sporting behaviours, both as participants and as spectators.


  • PE at Rushy Meadow provides enjoyable, challenging sessions compromising a range of activities and sports, all of which are taught by fully qualified teachers: skill acquisition focusing on agility, balance and coordination, gymnastics, dance, outdoor games, athletics and swimming.
  • Our PE curriculum is varied and meets all the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage and National Curriculum through development of overviews and long-term plans in line with the Real PE approach, along with documents to support progression through and across year groups to enable children to build upon prior experiences and apply them to new learning.  
  • Children engage in regular PE lessons during the week, covering a different focus each term – cognitive, social, emotional, creative, personal and health and fitness - through the Real PE Jasmine Platform (Create Development) which is then applied to sport specific sessions alongside this.
  • To provide the high-quality PE lessons laid out in our intent, teachers are supported through our Real PE approach with an accompanying teaching platform, training where needed and support from internal and external bodies.
  • Children are given the opportunity to further their skills and experiences through a variety of sports clubs, along with workshops, which cover a wider range of sports, throughout the year. Children are invited to engage in competitive sports within our school and with other schools across the trust and borough which aim to develop children’s teamwork, social and leadership skills in a variety of activities and contexts.
  • To encourage children to be more active during lunch times, we provide opportunities for children to engage with a specialised sports coach, where they can participate in a range of games and activities. Also, selected children have been trained as play leaders and run daily games for children in KS1 and KS2.
  • Children in Year 5 participate in 10 weeks of swimming lessons with the aim that, by the end of their primary education, all children can swim a minimum of 25m unassisted. We provide boosters in Year 6 for those not meeting the requirements of the National Curriculum by the end of Year 5.  


As a result of implementing our high-quality PE lessons, children will become resilient, independent leaners who can make their own healthy choices to impact positively on their health and wellbeing for life. Children will enjoy and be willing to challenge themselves in new activities for them to progress and achieve high levels of performance across different areas, including physically and mentally. Their creativity and imagination will be fostered and encouraged, allowing them to develop as a whole child. Impact against EYFS and NC objectives will be measured through pupil voice and termly assessments, using the Real PE assessment wheel, against the learning objectives to show progress and identify next steps. In addition to this, staff confidence and subject knowledge will be developed and supported through ongoing CPD opportunities and learning walks. Impact will also be monitored through the level of pupil engagement in sport enrichment activities.

We follow the Primary National Curriculum (2014) programmes of study for PE (see below).

Click on the document below to see the whole school curriculum overview for PE.